– Proposal Services –
Proposal Writing Services
Have your clients suggested that you respond to a posted solicitation? Did you download the file, only to feel overwhelmed by the number of pages, language and quantity of information? Let Write Works help you develop a response that reflects your business.
Our writing process begins with identifying specific corporate requirements and any risks that might impact your business. We’ll develop an action plan to create a proposal response that reflects the uniqueness of your company. Throughout the writing process we provide draft working copies of the proposal so you maintain control of the writing style, tone and format for your proposal.
This service is ideal for clients who are responding their first Supply Arrangement and Standing Offer. We can help your business win coveted tender opportunities and contracting vehicles.
Successful Bid Submissions Include:
- Learning Services Supply Arrangement and Standing Offer (LS);
- Task-Based Informatics Professional Services (TBIPS);
- Solutions-Based Informatics Professional Services (SBIPS);
- Tasks and Solutions Based Professional Services (TSPS);
- Professional Audit Services Supply Arrangement (PASS SA);
- ProServices Supply Arrangement
- Various City of Ottawa Standing Offers, Supply Arrangements, and, Requests for Services;
- Executive Coaching Services (Municipal, Provincial, and, Federal);
- Specialized Human Resource Services and Training
- Investigative Services (Federal)
- Various Request for Proposals at the Provincial level across Canada
Once your proposal is finalized and ready for submission, Write Works will provide you with print-ready electronic files, including instructions for delivery and labels. While we recommend clients deliver their proposals in person, Write Works can assist in printing and delivery of local proposals when needed.