– Grant Services –

Grant Management

Are you responsible for locating competitive funding but struggle with allocating time and resources to grant development and management? Write Works can help you develop a strategic approach to selecting the right funders for your organization, managing the application development process, and responding to grant reporting requirements.
Our Grant Management services may be customized to suit the needs of your organization, from the initial review of funding opportunities, through to the completion of your final grant report at the end of a program or project. Customized to your needs, we offer the following:
Person silhouette with talking bubble with text
Developing Grant Writing Policies and Procedures
We will work with your staff to develop policies and procedures to help your organization identify funding opportunities, track deadlines, work with stakeholders, and maintain quality control throughout the grant development and writing process.
Communicating with Funding Agencies, Foundations and Stakeholders
Building relationships are crucial to the grant process. Most funders are drawn to organizations that they recognize. Let us help you develop these relationships and increase your grant success rate.

Interested in working collaboratively on projects, but not sure where to begin? Our team specializes in building collaborative agreements amongst not-for-profit and charitable organizations. Let us help you develop collaborative agreements and partnerships for resource sharing, and increased community outreach.

Managing the Grant Application Development Process
With over 15 years of industry experience, we understand that our clients are busy and may not have the time or resources to track grant application production, materials, or deadlines. We will work with your team to develop a project plan for your application, track materials required from subject matter experts, create a final high quality response, and ensure timely submission.
The Creative Process - Bid Development
At Write Works we recognize that each grant application requires specialized knowledge and expertise. We work closely with your team to develop written content that incorporates your passion and specialized knowledge. Our experienced team will help you develop content that an external evaluation panel will respond positively to regardless of their level of subject matter expertise.
Developing Grant-Ready Project Work Plans and Documentation
Most funding applications are evaluated based on the strength of your project planning process. If you are struggling to create work plans that meet the expectations of government or private sector funding, we can help. Let us work with your team to create or strengthen your project documents. We are experienced in creating or editing the following for grant applications and proposals:

  • Project Charters
  • Project Plans
  • Work Breakdown Structures (WBS)
  • Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis
  • Gantt Charts (project tracking)
  • Critical Paths
  • Risk Management Plans
  • Change Management Plans
Pre-Submission Grant Application Review
Submitting any grant application can be a stressful process. Let us relieve this stress and help you ensure that your application responds to all grant requirements. We’ll not only help you create your application, we will review the final product for clarity of content, language and formatting. Let an external reviewer strengthen your application and increase your chances of winning highly competitive funding.
Grant Reporting, Evaluation and Follow-Up
You’ve won your funding. Now how do you handle the reporting obligations? Our team of experienced grant professionals will work with you throughout the project to make sure you are able to meet the obligations defined in your funding agreement. Let us help you create reports that demonstrate your success, improving relationships with funders, and increasing your chances of future funding.
Need something we haven’t mentioned? Contact us to discuss your specific needs and how we may be of assistance.
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